Tee im Sport
Trinken bei sportlicher Betätigung
Sportgetränke sollen unsere Leistung fördern, die Regeneration unserer Muskeln beschleunigen, erfrischen und dazu auch noch schmecken.
Tees können alle diese Eigenschaften auf natürliche Art erfüllen und bieten sich damit als Alternative zu synthetischen Sportgetränken an. Jeder Tee hat andere Eigenschaften und eignet sich für unterschiedliche Trainings- sowie Tageszeiten. Diese Seite soll eine kleine Zusammenfassung darstellen wie Sie Ihren sportlichen Alltag mit Tee optimieren können.
Beim Teetrinken geht es primär um die Wasserversorgung. Während und nach dem Training schwitzen wir, sodass wir größere Mengen an Wasser, Natrium und Kalium verlieren. Je nach Trainingseinheit und -typ, müssen wir unterschiedlich viel Wasser zu uns nehmen. Generell wird von einer Menge von 2- 3 Litern Wasser pro Tag ausgegangen. Bei einem intensiven und ausdauernden Workout bei dem wir viel schwitzen, durchaus auch mehr. Bei Trainingseinheiten oder Wettkämpfen, die länger als eine Stunde dauern, empfiehlt sich deshalb schon vor und während dieser Anstrengung auf eine ausreichende Wasserzufuhr zu achten, um einer Verschiebung der Wasserbilanz und des Elektrolythaushaltes vorzubeugen und somit Schwindel, Muskelkrämpfen, Übelkeit und Leistungsabfall zu vermeiden. Tee kann bei der Wasserzufuhr unterstützend wirken.
Jedoch sollte auf eine reine Wasserzufuhr nicht verzichtet werden.
Die Vorteile von Tee sind, dass das Wasser mit wichtigen Inhaltsstoffen aus den Teeblättern natürlich angereichert wird und Ihren Bedürfnissen in Geschmack und Temperatur angepasst werden kann.
Bei den Inhaltsstoffen muss man grundsätzlich erstmal 2 Arten von Tees unterscheiden. Zwischen klassischen Tees, welche von der Camelia Sinensis, der eigentlichen Teepflanze, herrühren und teeähnlichen Aufgussgetränken (z.B. Früchtee und Kräutertees).
Ingredients in classic teas (Camelia sinensis):
Caffeine (Tein)
Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system and keeps you awake. This can bring that extra push you need for your training. To a lesser extent, it stimulates the metabolism and can accelerate the burning of fat. In sports, it not only promotes endurance and speed. A study with cyclists found that tea was able to improve their maximum oxygen uptake. The results were best when the athletes drank the tea two hours before training.
The protein content of the tea is remarkable. Based on the dry weight of young leaves, 10-20% may be present. Protein is important for our performance, building material for our body cells and supports wound healing. It increases the absorption capacity for other nutrients.
- L-theanine
L-Theanine is an amino acid (a protein building block). It can buffer the effects of caffeine. Thus, the combination of caffeine and L-theanine provide a sustained energy boost and a longer concentration capacity. It could also have an immunity boosting effect.
This is especially true in the form of matcha, where the whole leaf is drunk. This results in a higher intake of protein and caffeine.
Minerals - Quantity elements
In tea, contained quantity elements are potassium, calcium and magnesium.
Potassium is involved in the regulation of pH in our body and plays an important role in the transmission of impulses to the nerves. It also plays an important role in the transmission of electrical impulses to muscle or nerve cells. If the potassium level is too high or too low, muscular dysfunction may occur.
Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body in terms of quantity. It is responsible for building and maintaining bones and teeth. In addition, calcium is involved in muscle contraction and plays an important role in cellular signal transduction.
Magnesium prevents muscle spasms. It is a natural anti-stress remedy that regulates blood pressure and prevents cardiac arrhythmia.
Minerals - Trace elements
Trace elements contained in tea are manganese, fluoride, iron and zinc.
Manganese is an essential trace element in many enzymes and thus participates in the regulation of metabolism.
Fluoride is especially important for acid protection and is used for caries prophylaxis.
Iron is important for metabolic regulation and oxygen transport in blood.
Zinc participates in cell division as well as in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, nucleic acids and other micro-nutrients. Without zinc, healing processes can take place only to a limited extent, and hence the same applies to muscle building.
Secondary plant substances
The phytochemicals in tea include flavonoids, phenolic acids and saponins. Although phytochemicals have not yet been counted among the essential (vital) nutrients, their health significance is increasingly becoming the focus of scientific research. They obviously have a big impact on the metabolism. They should also be able to influence the blood pressure positively and have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial as well as neurological effects. A detailed assessment of the role of phytochemicals in humans is given by the DGE (German Nutrition Society) and a list of related literature on the subject. (DGE, 2012)
Catechins - EGCG
Catechins are polyphenolic plant metabolites from the flavonoid group. The EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate or epigallocatechin-3-gallate) is considered the most important active ingredient of the tea. It belongs to the catechins and makes up a high proportion of the dry matter in tea. EGCG is considered a powerful antioxidant. After training, the catechins in tea can shorten the recovery time, because they are able to help in the regeneration of muscle fibers damaged by stress.
Tea leaves are particularly rich in vitamins. In the tea, contained vitamins are B, C, E and K. Vitamin E and K are fat-soluble vitamins. Vitamins B1 to Vitamin B12 and Vitamin C are water-soluble.
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) is a water-soluble vitamin. The body needs it to metabolize the nutrients (especially carbohydrates and amino acids) from our food and convert it into energy. Vitamin B1 also supports different nerve functions.
Vitamin B2 is an antioxidant in the cells and is important for energy production.
Vitamin B3 (niacin) is an antioxidant that is particularly important in the liver for the regulation of blood sugar, cholesterol metabolism, gene multiplication, and cell metabolism.
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is a well-known antioxidant, which among other things participates in the formation of connective tissue and intercepts free radicals in the body.
Vitamin E is considered a true fountain of youth. In its action as a powerful antioxidant, it slows down the aging process, protects the heart and arteries and strengthens the immune system.
Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin, which is essential for the blood's clotting function.
For an increased intake of vitamins, it is recommended you consume the matcha leaves.
Essential oils
There are many traditional healing uses of essential oils that have been confirmed in modern studies. For example, the effect of essential oils on the hormone levels and on the health of the cell membrane is scientifically recognized. It has long been proven that essential oils can inhibit the growth and multiplication of bacteria.
They protect the cells from free radicals. Free radicals attack the cells and can render them inoperable. The more the cells of an organ are damaged in this way, the worse it is for the organ in question. The antioxidants include vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals, which are mainly absorbed through diet.
Sugar free
All our teas are sugar free by nature. This allows you to decide whether to add honey, agave juice, sugar or other natural sweeteners, unlike synthetic sports drinks. Sugar can be beneficial as an energy supplier in some cases, but it is up to you whether to add it or not.
Klassifizierung von Tees
Die Inhaltsstoffe und deren Dosierungen hängen maßgeblich mit den unterschiedlichen Verfahren zur Teeherstellung zusammen. Diese Verfahren führen auch zur Klassifizierung der Tees.
Tea is differentiated into:
White tea
White tea is one of the most expensive teas as it consists exclusively of long leaf buds of the tea plant. A high content of polyphenols makes free radicals harmless and protects the metabolism and the tissue from destruction and degeneration. Due to its high quality, it can be left as original as possible, retaining most ingredients.
Green tea
Green tea is not an oxidized tea and is only slightly steamed. As a result, the plant retains its natural green and is very rich in its original ingredients. The Japanese green teas used by us are considered to be the best in quality. The Matcha and the Sencha are quite suited for athletes.
Yellow tea
The degree of oxidation of yellow tea is between green tea and oolong tea, where it is also in terms of its sporting benefits to settle. Its variety is very limited and the available quantities are low.
Oolong tea
Oolong tea is a semi-fermented tea; the oxidation process is stopped in the middle between the green and the black tea. The color is between green and black.
Black tea
Black tea is the most oxidized. It contains the least ingredients compared to other teas but is richer in caffeine and more flavorful. The caffeine it contains leads to an increased release of so-called catecholamines (adrenaline, dopamine, noradrealine), which can accelerate fat loss many hours after ingestion of the tea.
Pu Erh
Pu Erh is named after one of his origins. Pu'er is located in the Chinese province of Yunnan. The Pu Erh tea is made from a subspecies of Camelia sinensis called Qingmao. Unlike the other types of tea, the Pu Erh is a tea that has to ripen. As with wine, the longer the ripening process, the better. The tea is rich in stimulating substances such as caffeine and theobromine, which has caused the German society to warn against excessive consumption.
Zusammenfassend kann man sagen, umso schonender der hochqualitative Tee angebaut und verarbeitet wurde, umso höher sind seine Inhaltsstoffe.
Biotees geben Ihnen zudem die Sicherheit, dass Sie nicht mit Pestiziden belastete Tees konsumieren. Deshalb setzen wir vorwiegend auf biologischen Anbau und weiten unser Bio Sortiment kontinuierlich aus. Bei Teesorten, wo keine Zertifizierung möglich ist, achten wir auf beste Qualität und unternehmen strenge Qualitätskontrollen.
Teeähnliche Aufgussgetränke
Früchte- & Kräutertees
Früchte- und Kräutertees enthalten viele Antioxidantien, Mineralstoffe und Spurenelemente und sind, im Gegensatz zu den klassischen Tees, koffeinfrei. Bei Früchtetees steht meistens die Hydration und das Wohlbefinden im Vordergrund. Kräutertees besitzen generell mehr Vitamine und ätherische Öle.
Allgemein helfen diese Tees dem Körper bei der Entspannung und dem Basenausgleich, was besonders bei einer Übersäuerung der Muskulatur hilfreich ist. Die ätherischen Öle im Tee können des Weiteren dazu beitragen Schnupfen, Husten oder ein unangenehmes Kratzen im Hals zu lindern. Aufgrund des fehlenden Koffeins sind sie besonders am Abend empfehlenswert.
Anstatt den Tee „nur“ zu trinken, hilft auch oft eine Inhalation um Ihren Atemwegen etwas Gutes zu tun. Hierbei empfehlen sich reine Kamille- und Pfefferminztees besonders.
Practical example of tea in everyday life
In the morning
For a successful start to your day (depending on the type and personal taste), a matcha or black tea is suitable to make it a little easier. They are certainly a good alternative to morning coffee.
Our matcha leads to the consumption of the whole tea leaf. The result is the increased intake of catechins, amino acids (L-theanine), caffeine, vitamins, minerals and trace elements.
Our Active Tea, made from high-quality Ceylon black tea with apple and cinnamon, is rich in valuable ingredients such as minerals, antioxidants and caffeine. It gets the circulation going and Ceylon cinnamon has a stimulating effect.
Before sport activities
Sencha for endurance - increase in performance, fat burning and increased metabolic rate
Our high-quality Sencha is rich in valuable ingredients such as vitamins, amino acids, minerals and antioxidants. It is best drunk in the morning or during the day. Through its invigorating effect, the tea gets the metabolism going and can accelerate the burning of fat.
After Sports activities
Regeneration, relaxation, nutrient supply
What is important? Amino acids, fatty acids, essential oils.
Our Regeneration Tea is a special Ceylon green tea with lemongrass. It is rich in valuable ingredients like vitamins, amino acids, minerals and antioxidants.
Due to its fine taste in combination with the lemongrass, it is particularly suitable for the supply of nutrients and thus for regeneration.
White Tea - Silver Tips
A reward for special training sessions
In the evening
Nutrient supply, base balance, antioxidants, minerals and trace elements
Our Revitalizing Fruits is a fruit tea composition with goji berries and hibiscus and was put together according to a special recipe in Germany. After water, this composition is one of the best ways to provide enough fluid. It contains important vitamins, is unsweetened and contains no caffeine. The very light acidity of the hibiscus also makes it so refreshing.
Our Wellness Tea is a herbal composition, with a touch of orange and honey, was put together according to a special recipe in Germany. Based on the ayurvedic Pitta principle, this composition can enable you to digest, process and switch off sensory impressions and thus promote relaxation. Since it is caffeine-free, it is ideal for relaxing in the evening.
Natürlich gibt es viele weitere Tees, die eine Vielfalt an Nährstoffen bieten. Eine abwechslungsreiche und ausgewogene Ernährung in allen Belangen ist bekanntermaßen die beste Grundlage für sportliche Erfolge. Daher bietet es sich an, verschiedene Getränke über den Tag und die Woche hinweg zu kombinieren. Eine einseitige und eintönige Ernährung ist in den meisten Fällen nicht nur verkehrt, sondern auch schwer durchzuhalten.
Die hier beschriebenen Informationen sind nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen und aktuellem Informationsstand zusammengestellt. Sie haben nicht den Anspruch für alle Sportarten perfekt oder gleich zu sein. Genau wie jeder Tee unterschiedliche Eigenschaften hat, sind die Auswirkungen von Tee und Training auf jeden Menschen unterschiedlich. Daher sollte die Ernährung sowie das Training unter der Aufsicht von Ernährungswissenschaftlern, Trainern und ggfs. Ärzten erfolgen.
Wir sind der Meinung, dass Tees insbesondere bei Ausdauersportarten wie Joggen, Fußball, Handball, Tennis, Schwimmen und Radfahren sowie beim Kraftsport und Fitness unterstützend wirken kann.
Probieren Sie es doch einfach selber mal aus!
Refine and serve tea
Lemon Juice
A splash of lemon juice not only refines the tea, it also improves the effect. Researchers found that lemon juice or vitamin C improves the body's ability to absorb the antioxidants of green tea.
Even if it takes some getting used to, a pinch of salt will provide you with additional sodium. Sodium is an important component of the water balance that needs to be replenished to the body after intensive sweat-inducing workouts.
Caffeine reduction
Since caffeine is very soluble in water, you can easily reduce the caffeine content in tea with this method; infuse the tea with a little hot water and let the tea infuse for half a minute. Then pour out the water and allow the tea to be drawn a second time. This second infusion is then drunk.
Honey, agave juice, sugar or other natural sweeteners may be beneficial as an additional source of energy in some cases, but it is purely up to you if and how you want to add them.
Hydration with the right temperature.
Even if it is tempting to drink something cold during and after physical activity, the discrepancy between body temperature and a cold drink can be too great. This strains the circulation and is harmful to the body. In addition, the body compensates for the temperature drop by additionally producing heat. Therefore, it is beneficial to consume the tea at a near body temperature.